The barn kittens are getting so big & full of energy & mischief....
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Sasha's Back!
Hello Gracie
Duke & Gracie play'n
Moe & Scarlet
Moe is the man! He's doing great with his off leash work. Scarlet is still poking along & challenging me everyday. I should be starting her off leash but she's just not at a point to start that yet :o( She needs to be responding to the commands better on the leash around the distractions before we take the leash out of the equation. She'll get there..... some are just more strong willed than others & learn at a slower pace. Patience & consistency. She's definitely a sweet girl & I'll be sad for her & Moe to go. More to come on the Spinones!!
Mugsy Still Needs A Home :o(
Mugsy & Ru saying hello to Foxie
Duke & Mugs
Kinsley's Day Out
Kinsley & Duke were my helpers for my follow up lesson with Micah. We met at the dog park to see how Micah would be around the distractions. It was a great opportunity for me to work with Kinsley in a new environment & brush up his off leash work. He was a star & got lots of compliments on how beautiful he is. Needless to say he COMPLETELY crashed after that when we got home :o) Good day for Kinsley!
Cameron's Homecoming
Cameron too went home this weekend. We had a morning working with him in public & working on his barking while in the car & then it was off to show his family his progress. He did very well but is definitely more protective at home & of his family. They now have the tools to work with him & keep his behavior where they'd like it. I'll be checking back in with them next week!
Sasha is Home!!
Sasha's ride home
Thursday, May 28, 2009
"Let me tell ya bout my best friend....."
Oliver has become Chase's new best friend in the world. They play NON STOP!! Chase hasn't opened up & played like this since his momma, Brittany, was still alive. Oliver has been a wonderful touch to the gang. He is so happy go lucky, willing to please, happy to see everyone, in your face all the time kinda guy. He is doing great with his potty training & is top notch at snuggling! We love him!!
Chaes & Olli play'n.....
Piece of Cake
Moe holding his down-stay. Such a good boy!
Scarlet Has A Mind of Her Own
Little Scarlet.... oh little Scarlet. She is definitely my challenging pupil. She is as sweet as she can be but definitely has a free spirit & learning or wanting to mind doesn't fall into that free spirited mold. She's definitely lucky she's so freak'n cute because I might be bald at the end of this process :o) Just kidding. Slow & steady is the key with her..... and staying one step ahead of her. She is making tons of friends & definitely coming out of her shell. She started testing to see what happens if she doesn't come when called..... good times, good times :o) I have a lot of work to do with her over the next week!
Scarlet in her Sit-stay. Cute girlNapping on her "place" after a long workout
Kinsley The Paper Delivery Guy....
Kinsley is doing much better than last week. He is much calmer now, responding beautifully to his commands & we've started back on the paper retrieval!! This is coming along nicely, he doesn't care much for the plastic wrapper that comes around the paper though. Oh, well, a little sacrifice for a great treat!
Kinsley taking nap with his cousins, Chase & Ty Such a good student :o)
Hold it..... Hold it......
Sasha's Comeback!!
Monday, May 25, 2009
Bye, Bye, Micah
Micah on his place at PetSmart waiting for his momma!
Mugsy is doing great. He is going to make an excellent dog for somebody. He is goofy & personable, sweet natured & he's a thinker. He's doing awesome with everyone & I have no worries about him with the other dogs now. He's doing fine with the cats but my cats are quite seasoned in keeping a dog in line. He's mostly interested in them & very inquisitive. He doesn't act aggressively towards them or try to "eat" them at all. We're just going to continue working on his social skills & his basic commands. This up coming week I'd like to start introducing him to new dogs & taking him on our park trips to see how he acts around new dogs. He was supposed to have a family come visit him this weekend but we didn't hear back from them :o( If you know anyone that might want to adopt him please visit his link to apply to be an adopter!!
Clean Kinsley
Kinsley had a visit with Mrs. Pam this weekend. Now that the dogs no longer have access to the dirty part of the yard I was able to get everyone cleaned up!! He's so handsome. Mrs. Pam said he did very well. He has made great progress over the last few days on his off leash work & has started to relax much more. He too will be getting tons of off leash work this week around heavy, heavy distractions & we'll pick back up with teaching him to retrieve the paper ;o)
Cameron :o)
Cameron is doing okay :o/ A short recap on his behavior last week..... he was doing great with the door bell workouts, meeting people, but if he was outside & you called him inside or he saw you coming to the back door he would haul butt to the back of the yard & not come.... AT ALL. Well we've worked that out & he's coming when called all the time & he no longer is running when you open the door up. He was starting to regress a bit on his walks. I've been needing to work more on his heel but the weather hasn't allowed much of that so that's where we're going to pick up this week. He needs to be walking on a relaxed leash in the heel position without having to constantly reinforce the command. On a super positive note, he is doing excellent in the car now. He's no longer barking at everything that goes by & if he does bark he is very responsive to his quiet command. He get along great with the other dogs & plays great with Chase, Oliver & Boomer. More updates on Cameron over the next few days!
Scarlet & Moooooe
The Spinone duet are doing very well. Moe is coming along with flying colors. He is so soft-hearted & willing to please. I've already started on his off leash & he's doing excellent at this point. He's working under minimal distractions at this point. This upcoming week will really be working him around heavy distractions & finishing him up. Scarlet on the other hand keeps me on my toes......constantly. She is not so willing to please & has an exuberant, excited, get into everything, see everything, sweetness to her. She needs CONSTANT reinforcement & is not minding on first command at all. I still have quite a bit of work to do with her to get her ready to go home on time..... she is most likely going to need added time with me. She definitely not a bad girl at all; she just has her own agenda :o) Her potty training is going pretty well. She drinks a TON of water so this means I'm constantly letting her outside..... I'd say she goes out every 30min to an hour & goes every single time. Her accidents are minimal but she is she is still having them. Mostly due to how distracted she gets when she is outside to do her business. I'll have more updates on the Spinones soon!
Sasha Update....
Sasha is coming along nicely. She's been doing excellent up until the last few hours. Nothing too terrible; she just become very obstinate & dramatic & not wanting to mind. The rain hasn't permitted us to work outside on her off leash work the last few days so she's become a bit rusty. She's scheduled to go home tomorrow (Tuesday) evening so hopefully he'll be back in line by then. She is doing great with the other dogs & coming around nicely with meeting strangers. She is still hesitant but accepting now. She might always be a bit timid until she really gets to know people. But now her owners can feel comfortable having people over to their house & they won't have to worry about Sasha's ill-manneredness. She really is such a sweet loving girl. She has such a soft heart & really doesn't like to get in trouble or be bad but sometimes she just goes back to what she knows :o) She's going to be one that will need continued socialization with people to maintain where she is now. Any slacking from momma & daddy will most likely result in back sliding on her behavior..... hint, hint ;o). We're going to spend today & tomorrow working on getting her back in line with her off leash work! Have a great Memorial Day!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Mugsy bonding with Ty, Boomer & Ruger
Just wanted to post an update on Skittles' babies! They are 5 weeks old as of this past weekend they have moved from the "nursery" to the "playschool room".... or so I've been calling it. Skittles had the kittens in our tack room at the barn. It's a safe, enclosed, dark room that she could feel secure that nothing could get them. Well they are bigger & in need of more stimulation to learn their skills for being big girls so she has moved them to the hay/utility barn which is attached. They have been non-stop playing in the hay, in the boxes, on the shelves, in the feed bins, under pallets, climing stairs & having tons of fun. They appear at this point to be all girls. It's so hard to tell when they are itty bitty. Skittles is due to get snipped next week once she's completely weaned them from suckling. She's doing an excellent job & has been such a great momma up to this point. She's very attentive, loving, & protective of them. Pogo, Skittles' brother, seems to be quite protective of them as well & he's as easy going as they come. I guess they're up for adoption now :'o( *sniff *sniff. Hope ya'll like the pictures!
Last days in the "nursery"
Ms. Boss is the most outgoing!
The twins!! Droverleft, Ms. Boss right Practicing the important stalking skills
Hello cuteness
Momma & Drover
All that play...... Time for a nap
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