Vinnie & Sunny making nice. She's so gentle with him.
Duke had his recheck on his ears yesterday. They are standing great except the tips of them fall
in slightly so they taped them to teach the tips to stand up straight. He's 13 weeks old now & he's 45lbs. Now that he's eating great he's finally looking like he's at a healthy weight. He's still 21 inches at his shoulders but he's at inch longer (45 or 46" I think). I can't I imagine where he's going to be in a month!! He & Stella are still madly in love & have been playing NON-STOP! It's great for me because he slept so hard when it was time for bed. I wish it wasn't so muddy outside, otherwise they could fun like fools & really get worn out. I really need good grass out there.... it's just too muddy when it rains. Here's Stella really wanting Duke to play with her...... isn't that just cute. He's not playing into the whole "aww, look at me" thing. Right after this he turned & pounced on her. It was hilarious. They play hard & then pass out for about an hour.
Well, we're off to work a bit & then take a nap..... well they will. I wish I was a dog :) I hope you like the rest of the pictures.