Duke has a new best friend!! Her name is Mesa. She's a BEAUTIFUL female Am. Staff. She is a doll. She's staying with us for 5 days while her parents are out of town. She & Duke are great together. She plays so great with him. She keeps up with him & plays so gentle with him. They're great together. We hope to have her back! As for Mr. Duke; he had his ears checked & re-wrapped today. They are coming along wonderfully. Then we went to his regular vet (Beaver Crossing Animal Hospital) to have blood work & stool check to make sure he's not suffering from a physical illness that is keeping him from wanting to eat. Well, well..... it's just as I suspected. He's just a picky brat. Nope, not one physical problem with him other than he's under weight because he's NOT EATING!! The vet game me samples of other foods to try as well as suggesting I add things to his dry food to encourage him to eat. Now from a trainer stand point what I'm about to admit, eats at my core but from a momma stand point this feels completely acceptable as long as he's eating....... I am able to get Duke to eat as long as I feed him like he's a baby & play airplane with his food. If it's a fun game & I act like I'm going to eat it & then give it to him, he'll eat it. If I put it in a bowl in his feeder he eats two bites & walks away as if to say "this isn't fun. I'm not eating." So, at this point I just want to get him to a healthy weight & worry about the behavior problem later. What can I say..... momma first, trainer second. He weighs about 36lbs now. Steady gaining but you couldn't tell from looking at his skinny little butt :) Well, that's all for now. I should have a new group of pups starting their training next week. YEA!! More fun blogs to post.
Awww.... precious puppeies


Aren't hjs ears standing beautifully!?

He needs to grow into those ears ;o)
*gasp!* is that an illegal furry toy I see with Duke??! Haha j/k ;)Stella wants Duke to know that SHE'S comin' next week and he better be ready!!!!
It is an illegal furry toy..... don't tell. He stole it & I don't have the heart to take it away since he hasn't killed it. He's going to ruin me I tell ya.
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