Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Roxie Day - 3

Roxie is coming along slowly but nicely on her socialization. We're taking it one step at a time & getting her confident around the other dogs & to be by herself.

She's getting there. She is absolutely excelling at her obedience. She picks up within just a few minutes! We'll see how she does when we start introducing tricky distractions & noises. On another good note, she rang the potty bells today all by herself while I was on checking e-mails. She went outside & went potty right away! I'm tell'n ya. She's one smart cookie :o) She's going to learn her "place" command today. It's a bit earlier than I usually like to teach this command but she needs practice staying in one place away from me & understanding it's not a bad thing. She has a bit of separation anxiety that we're working on. She is becoming much more responsive to the "no" command. She does have a strong willed personality. She loves those kitties!

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