Thursday, October 9, 2008


Stella had quite a day of hard working & it definitely paid off. This morning it was still drizzling & our house is a new development so the backyard is almost all dirt, so we had to let thing dry out a bit before we could play outside. We worked on her off leash commands in the house with the other dogs & cats around to distract as well as ringing the door bell and such. Later on in the afternoon we did get to play outside. I worked on letting Stella out & letting her get engaged in playing, then I would call her back & put her on place. She did excellent. I hope you guys enjoy her videos of working today. Great day Stella monkey!!

Stella is curled up in Boomer's crate & chewing on his bones. She is perfectly content in that teeny-tiny crate. Silly girl :o)

Stella practicing her off leash in the house
Stella playing & then being called in

1 comment:

boxermama24 said...

Oh my god! She is amazing! You are amazing! I am in love with you both! AHH!!!!!!