Duke is doing SO great. It actually scares me a bit on how well he's doing..... is there bad to come because it's so easy with him right now?? He is consisitently going to the door when he needs to go outside to potty (and to play), he absolutely knows what "no" means & he listens 98% of the time, the first time. He actually gets his little feelings hurt so easy. He pouts when you tell him no & he goes somewhere & goes to sleep. He got his first bath this weekend that he did well at. We had family over for my birthday & after opening presents there were ribbons & paper laying around all over the living room, he tried 2 times to mess with the mess & then he completely ignored everything. I've just never trained or had a puppy so easy & picked up on things so definitively in such a short period of time. I'm a picture taking fool with him, Ruger & Diesel grew up so fast & I don't want to miss any of it & I want to have plenty to go back & remember. Duke goes Friday to have his ears clipped. He's going to be so handsome. He has such a great shaped head already.

Duke, Ruger & I met Lauren & Stella at PetSmart on Saturday. It was complete chaos because it was Pet Adoption Day. There were tons & tons of people, everyone wanted to touch him & hold him, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. I wonder if the aggravation of people constantly wanting to hold & touch him is how a mother feels after the birth of her child. I had to finally decline people from petting Ruger & Duke just so Lauren & I could focus on what we were there for in all the chaos of the barking dogs. Duke got his little name tag & new collar this weekend. He looks pretty cute, if I do say so myself. He is becoming quite the little barn guy. He stays close to the barn, he's not intimidated by the horses (which is a little scary), he crawls up in the hay & falls asleep. It's just too darn cute. I don't think the rest of the gang has realized this one is here to stay. . . . .
We weighed & measured Duke yesterday. He's 17.3 lbs & he's 13 1/4 inches tall at the shoulder. I'm so cheesy, I'm going to do a Duke baby book. I know, I know, it's lame-o. But that's me :o) I with I had done it with Ruger & Diesel. Anyway, I hope you guys like the pictures.
Here are pictures from Duke's big weekend. HAPPY 7 WEEK OLD BIRTHDAY!!
Duke, 6 wks Ty 4yrs
Sleepy Boy
Aunt Casey & Duke
Duke after the morning at the barn

Duke's new fun toy (supervision only) :o)
He's a good hugger

Momma ("Dramaw") & Duke
Duke's New Baby 

After Bath Nap

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