Ava is doing pretty good. The last few days she's been a bit stubborn but it's to be expected. They all go through it. Her new favorite thing is playtime! Since the rest of the week is supposed to be nice we'll go to the park & work on her socialization with people!
Parker is well also. We didn't get to work on his off leash outside because of the rain but he's continuing to be very responsive with his commands & he no longer pees when he sees the other dogs! :o) Yay!!
Niles is doing pretty good. He's definitely one that makes you stay on top of him. If he knows there's the smallest possibility he can get away with anything....... he will. He's a sweet boy though. He's still continuing to be an eating machine.... I'm sure it's because of play times.
Spike & Landon's potty training is coming along. Spike is definitely the one that's more willing to please when it comes to his obedience. Landon could take it or leave it. He's just off in his own little world & is very independent.
Aspen is soooo good. He's coming along slowly but surely. He's very smart he just needs a lot of repetiton & consistency. He is a playing machine. He's doing excellent with his potty training & hasn't chewed a thing (other than his toys). He's so pooped after working & play time he passes out & sleeps hard. He's getting bigger!
More pictures to come later on this week!
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