Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Training Video

Here Jack, Kobi, Charlie & Hannah are working on the "place" command with distractions of the other dogs, the vacuum cleaner, leaving out the front door & knocking at the door & doorbell! Enjoy!
Part 1 of 2
Part 2 of 2

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Meet Kobi!!

This is Kobi! He's a 4 month old Golden Retriever. He started last Thursday & will be with me for 2 week for the Intermediate Obedience. Kobi is such a good boy & he is just all puppy. He was very defiant the first two days & didn't care much for learning or pay attention because he's much rather play with Jack, Aspen, Olli & Murphy but he has since moved past that stubbornness & he is doing excellent. He has learned to heel nicely at my left side & sit when we stop, sit-stays, down-stays, & place. I usually would do "come" before "place" but Kobi definitely needed to learn to stay in one place first. Tomorrow we'll start the come command & start adding in harder distractions. Hope you enjoy the pictures & more to come on Kobi's progress when we start his off leash work!
Kobi on place :o) Good Boy!

"Hello Ty, I'm Kobi" Kobi & Jack smooch'n

Jack, Kobi, & Mugs relaxing in the shade after romping in the kiddie pool

Monday, July 27, 2009

Big Week Review!

This past week has been productive & BUSY!! Where to begin....
Amy! Amy is doing wonderful. This is the close of her 2nd week & she is doing super!! Her confidence is slowly coming along. She goes almost everywhere with me & has been exposed to so much over the last 2 weeks. She is doing great being left along, but I do think she feels more confident having the other dogs around. She also has done great in her crate; no barking or whining. She even goes in it just because. She has been so easy to work with & she learns very quickly (but what Golden doesn't). She has been such a sweet, sensitive girl. This next week I will be working on Amy's off leash around heavy distractions & polishing up on her staying on place for extended periods of time. More updates on Amy's off leash work and staying put :o)
We have also reached the close of Murphy's 2nd week. Murphy is being quite the stinker. He is very well with his commands & follows them flawlessly with minimal distractions but his challenge this past week has definitely been learning to hold his commands if needed & to ignore. He does wonderfully with his place command & has worked up to staying for 1 hour without a correction!! Good job, Murphy!! Aside from his spells of A.D.D, he is playing great & looooves the gang!! He is meeting people with great manners & keeping 4 on the floor & his mouth to himself. YAY! This next week I will be working on Murphy's off leash with heavy distractions & working out the kinks with his lack of focus :o) More to come on Murphy!!
Miss Hannah, Miss Hannah :o) She has definitely been my challenge this past week. She needs to sloooooow down & take a second to think about things but instead she is all over the board & she's just reacting. She manages to learn along the way so I know she is paying a bit of attention but I'd like to see her focusing a bit more & not acting so excited, nervous. She is definitely more confident with Charlie around & I'd like to see her comfortable by herself. She is starting to come around in playing in the group. She runs in...... gets sniffed...... & runs out & watches. It's very cute. She's does great one on one though :o) She does great on or off the leash so this next week is going to be slowing her down a bit & holding her attention to commands a bit longer.

Her brother Charlie is doing AWESOME!! He is letting go of his control issues & learning to play without feeling the need to dominate. He is awesome at his obedience, on the leash. He is working at about a 60% success rate when he's off leash. He is doing excellent at his walks with Hannah & no longer feeling the need to alert at EVERYTHING that goes by. He is such a good boy. So on the books for Charlie... he to will be polishing things up a bit & working out the kinks around distractions. So more to come with Charlie & Hannah who both are absolute loves & I'd enjoyed having them this past week!

Little Jack is doing sooo great. He is soooooo lazy!! He is by far the calmest Labrador I've eeeever met! He is such a good boy & has made a slew of friends! Back to that in a sec.... The close of his 1 week has been great. He is finished with all his on leash commands & responding great to them 98% of the time..... the remainder of the time he's either ignoring me because his greatest challenge in life is staying in a command when he sees another dog at a distance or he's just decided to lay flat out & not move. So, he has enjoyed himself immensely & he is best buds with Koby, a new trainee, & boarders, Murphy - another yellow lab & Aspen - a black lab & of course, Oliver, because Ollie loves everyone! So on the agenda this next week will be focused on getting him more motivated when he's decided to shut down & play dead, hahaha and get him responding & ignoring distractions better while off the leash!

Jack & Koby wrestling

"Reeeaaddyy..................... set.............

................ POUNCE!!!"
Jack & Koby after taking a dip in the kiddie pool!
"To dig.... or not to dig.... Prolly shouldn't..... Miss Ashleigh is watch'n"

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Another One Get's Left :o(

This morning when I went to turn our horses out a little puppy, about 4-5months old, was left inside our barn. This is a pretty common occurrence from driver-byers. They seem to think our barn is the local drop off spot for unwanted animals. At any rate. He's a sweet, sweet, sweet little guy. He appears to be a hound mix of some sort. He's being isolated at the moment from the rest of the gang & boarders until he's checked out & he gets his shots. :o) He's been given a flea & tick bath & treated. He is super skinny so he's been started on a good puppy food & is now sleeping soundly in his kennel. He'll be available for adoption shortly! To contact me please email to

Meet Charlie & Hannah!

This is Charlie & Hannah. They are with me for the next 2 weeks for the Intermediate Obedience. Charlie is a terrier-mix & Hannah is a pitt-mix. They are both super sweet & loving playing with the gang. Hannah has been much more submissive but in a wild woman, flip over on her back then flip back on her feet kinda way. She's like a fish outta water. Charlie has been very calm & laid back. He's very attentive & pretty familiar with the commands already. They both are walking nicely on the leash in a heel, doing their sit-stay, & this morning we started on the down-stays. Nothing much to report at this point. They are both right on track & doing great! So more to come on Hannah & Charlie!

Charlie in his sit-stay

Hannah's sit stay (she's refusing to look at me)


Charlie's down-stay but he's keep'n his eye on the kitty :o)

Hannah passed out after playtime!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Ello... I'm Little Jack :o)

This is "Little Jack" or so he's been dubbed while he's here for the next 2 weeks for the Intermediate Obedience! We already have a Jack in the house so it makes it a little easier for the 2 legged ones to understand :) Jack is a 4 month old yellow Labrador Retriever. He is doing great so far! His first few hours were a bit overwhelming getting used to everyone wanting to play with him but he soon settled in & now he's playing hardcore! He learned immediately to not pull on the leash, sit-stays & down-stay. He's quite the lazy boy so the down stay was a piece of cake to work on! I'm also working with him on ringing the potty bell to go outside. Yesterday he didn't show much interest in it but his morning he started nosing it so I immediately grabbed the camera & then got this..... then we went out & as soon as his feet touch the grass he's going. So, no accidents! yay! Over the next few days we'll work more on perfect the heel at my side & incorporating the auto sit, he'll learn the place command, come command & I'll be adding in more distractions! So, more to come with Little Jack!

Jack's Sit-stay

Jack's down-stay Potty Time!!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Mugsy Has A Home!!

I'd like to announce Mugsy, the Boxer I've been fostering since April has a home!! We decided that given Mugsy history of being shuttled around & his history of dog aggression & how wonderfully he fits into our gang, that WE WOULD ADOPT HIM!!! Mugsy is officially one my crew & he seems to really love it here. He plays so great with every dog that comes in for training or boarding. He is super responsive with his training & is loving his new leash on life. He has become my little shadow & is settling in nicely! He & Oliver have become the best of buds & they don't leave my heels.... it's quite cute!

Anyone interested in rescuing a boxer can visit Rockin P Rescue for more information!

Mugsy's new favorite spot I can't even put it into words, hahahaLazy boy Snugglin w/the new momma Mugsy & BFF, Olli

Mugs & the boys Mugs & Jake
Speak!! Speak!! Speak!!
Silly boys

In Loving Memory Of....

My thoughts go out to Stephanie & Houston. They lost, Max, their 18 year old Phantom Poodle. He was an awesome little guy that knew what he wanted & didn't put up with less. He had a great run & will definitely be missed.

My thoughts also are with Laura Zipperer & Gail Richman, they also lost, their long time terrier mix, Bailey this past week. She too had a wonderful long life full of fun times & wonderful memories with her family.
My condolences to both families & smooches from their furry friends.

Murphy's 1 Week Progress Report!

This is Murphy!! He's a German Shepherd mix & full of ENERGY!!!! He is going through my Advanced Obedience. This past week for Murphy has been awesome! Day 1 consisted of teaching him right off the bat how to properly greet people. Murphy's idea of a good hello would be jumping in your face, mouthing at your hand or whatever piece of clothing he might be able to get in his mouth. He's all puppy & has been a little misguided ;o) He immediately picked up on the new rules & hasn't jumped since!! This past week he has also learned to not pull on the leash while not in a command, to heel at my left side & sit when we stop, sit-stays, down-stays, & place. He's actually fantastic at come on the leash so I'm going to work more with that when we start the off leash portion. Murphy's greatest distraction has been the cats..... hands down. I've had him at the park & he like to see the other dogs & people but he still stays focused. The cats on the other hand completely captivate him & he feels the need to zone out & think nothing but "here kitty kitty", hahaha. He is actually doing much better having them around. He'll stay on his place now while they walk past him, he's staying in his sit & down stays while the cats are running through the house like wild maniacs. You can see he has the look in his eye that he's much rather not listen to me & run after the cats but he's making better choices :o) Murphy is playing excellent with the other dogs and doing excellent with the new schedule! More to come on Murphy & his here kitty kitty antics :oD


"SIT"-stays "DOWN"-stay

Amy's 1 Week Progress Report!

This is Amy! She is a 1 year old English Golden Retriever, quite literally from England. :o) She is a beautiful, sweet, sensitive girl; very much the Nervous Nelly. She is with me for the Advanced Obedience as well as some serious confidence building work. She has a bad case of separation anxiety when she's away from people & there's no other dogs or people to "keep her safe" in her mind. This first week with Amy I really focused on getting her comfortable with me & building her trust. She's had obedience before so she understand the basic commands but she doesn't have an affinity for staying when told :o) I polished up all her commands (sit, heel, down, come, no) & intro'd the release command as well as the place command. Teaching her to over-come her fear of staying when told & being comfortable for people to leave the room while she's left in that room is SUPER important for her family. I definitely have my work cut out for me with her. She is very trainable & super smart. She picks up on the obedience aspect without a hitch. Now the rest of my time with her is working on staying with confidence & her off leash work. More pictures & updates on Amy as the days progress.
Amy in her down-stay

Kota's Homecoming Day!

Kota had a wonderful homecoming! She is finished up with her Basic Obedience & she did fabulous. She is definitely much calmer & more focused. Her family should have no problems enjoying the new & improved Kota!! I'll have follow-up lessons soon so stay tuned for more on Kota's progress post-homecoming!

Kota in her down-stay & Mugsy just hang'n out

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Weekend Review!

I hope everyone had a great weekend! On the training front, things appear to be coming along well. Kota had a bit of a stubborn streak this past weekend but seems to have come to her senses & is following through more consistently than before! YAY! She is scheduled to go home Wednesday & I'm sure her family is ready to have her home! Neo is doing very well. His social skills are coming along & he's much more confident about going up to strangers & loooves other dogs now. Shelly-belly is doing excellent. Her off leash is great. She's still super excitable & fully of personality but much more controllable..... he family will be back on Friday from Florida & I'm sure they'll be thrilled to have Shell back :o) Goldie, the trainee from last week, joined us for boarding over the weekend & until Thursday so we're super happy to have her back. Her family has done wonderfully with her & Goldie is still on track! The Murph-man went home Friday but will be back to board next week & Duke will be super excited to have him back!! They love each other.
Petsmart trip & a trip to the park is on the agenda for the day. Kota needs to be tested a bit more on her manners in saying hello to people! That's all for now.

Friday, July 10, 2009


Great lesson! She got it. The light came on & it's all coming together in her mind now!! YAY!

Down Delima.....

Kota is coming along wonderfully in the departments of heeling nicely & sitting at my left side, her sit stays are great, she comes (on leash) fabulously, but her down stinks. She is still needing too much help so today the tough love starts. She knows the command & the behavior I'm looking for now she HAS to start doing it. She is still loving the other dogs & playing wonderfully. So I think I'd give her a B- right now...... :o) But she's still such a sweet girl! More updates on Kota lata!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Kota Update

Kota is doing very well. She's heeling at my left side & stops & sits, she's doing her sit stays flawlessly, we started down at the side yesterday but she still needs work on that. She is getting along wonderfully with the other dogs & definitely would recommend a doggy camp program to help expend her energy at least once a week. She enjoys the socialization, she plays great - - not too rough, & it wears her out :o) More to come on the progress of Kota!

She hasn't counter surfed yet. She's been too interested in the dogs & the cats. I'll try to set her up for it! Ta-ta for now!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

In Loving Memory of Maddie

I just learned that one of my trainees & regular boarders, Maddie passed away yesterday. I am very sad he is gone but so glad & blessed I was able to know him & his family. You'll be very missed & are very loved Maddie.

Maddie & his girlfriend, Cammie
Maddie & Ty smooching
We will miss you very much Maddie