This is Murphy!! He's a German Shepherd mix & full of ENERGY!!!! He is going through my Advanced Obedience. This past week for Murphy has been awesome! Day 1 consisted of teaching him right off the bat how to properly greet people. Murphy's idea of a good hello would be jumping in your face, mouthing at your hand or whatever piece of clothing he might be able to get in his mouth. He's all puppy & has been a little misguided ;o) He immediately picked up on the new rules & hasn't jumped since!! This past week he has also learned to not pull on the leash while not in a command, to heel at my left side & sit when we stop, sit-stays, down-stays, & place. He's actually fantastic at come on the leash so I'm going to work more with that when we start the off leash portion. Murphy's greatest distraction has been the cats..... hands down. I've had him at the park & he like to see the other dogs & people but he still stays focused. The cats on the other hand completely captivate him & he feels the need to zone out & think nothing but "here kitty kitty", hahaha. He is actually doing much better having them around. He'll stay on his place now while they walk past him, he's staying in his sit & down stays while the cats are running through the house like wild maniacs. You can see he has the look in his eye that he's much rather not listen to me & run after the cats but he's making better choices :o) Murphy is playing excellent with the other dogs and doing excellent with the new schedule! More to come on Murphy & his here kitty kitty antics :oD
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