Is it Monday yet!?! If the weekends brings bad weather, I'll stick to Monday - Friday, thank you very much. This weather certainly puts a damper on working with the pups. But none the less, rain or shine we have to work on something. Friday was great! After working with Blu & Toby at the park and then working Denali & Emi at Target & Walmart (separately obviously) we had PLAYTIME!!!!
Happy Boy!
The watchful eye of the group (Denali)
Boomer pounced right after I took this picture
Water break
Toby & Boomer
Blue & Maggie-may
Jake & Emi
Group shot
Another water break
Toby & Kaya racing
Boarder - Kaya
Best Frans
Boomer's only safe spot from having to wrestle with Blu
Another group shot (Ty, Mugs, Emi, Boomer, Oli & Toby)
Blue & Ruger
"Run Kaya.......... Run"
Wrestling & chasing (and Duke ears)
Emi & Ru chasing
..... and more chasing
Part of the group in a down-stay
Emi & Diesel
Emi & Blu were wrestling...... Blu loves being dirty
Recovery after playtimeToday has been pretty good as well. Blu got his intro to the remote collar as well as worked on his hardest task of the day..... dun dunn dunnnn......"PLACE". It's not his strongest point but it's definitely beneficial for him because he needs to learn patience & holding his attention to commands. Toby and Sadie also worked a bit. Sadie is doing excellent in her potty training & manners & Toby as well. Toby does have a great desire to be a bit too aggressive with the kitties so we've been working on that as well. He had some issues with the other large male dogs but we've moved past that as well. Toby has completed all his Basic commands (heel with auto sit, sit-stays, down-stays, come (on leash) as well as responding to "no", no more jumping up on people.... although he likes to put his paw out for you to hold it now and just being more calm in general. Now he has to do it all with distractions around :o) We'll see what next week brings for that!
Toby's sit-stay
.... and down-stay (although Sadie is trying her hardest to get him up)

Toby 2 (service dog) has completed his Basic obedience as well & will start his work in public next week! It should be a very eventful week wrapping things up with some trainees, boarders going home and coming in & on a personal note, we're moving our horses to a new barn!!! YAY! Have a great Sunday & stay tuned for more updates :o)
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