Saturday, June 26, 2010
Big Boy Gus!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Shep's Get Up
Shep is coming along on her in her Service Dog training. We're still working on getting her used to being in "work mode" and exposing her to as much as possible. Everyday she makes huge progress & she'll be ready for her little boy soon!! Hopefully this weekend I can get some video of her in action!
"Georgia K9 Academy - Service Dog In Training"
Big Jump Forward & Tiny Steps Back.....
Sophie & Lola are both doing very well. They each have their GREAT days where we make huge strides forward and the next day we take a few steps back. It's all part of the process where the bulb just isn't burning bright all the way. When the light does come on, though, they get it & do excellent from that point forward. They both teeter back and forth on understanding & still choosing to ignore about 5% of the time. Lola got most of her stubbornness out of the way in the beginning & is not making great progress, where as Sophie was very complaint in the beginning & is now starting to the the brakes on & question things. This next week we'll work on Lola's attention to hold her commands while off the leash & work more on Sophie's nerves around distractions, especially off the leash now. I'll hopefully have a video update on the girls this weekend as well as more pictures~!~!
Juice - Week 2 Video Report
Juice is doing excellent in her 2nd week! There is definitely some fine tuning to do on her moments of stubbornness but she's doing excellent! Here's a video report, I hope you like :o)
Friday, June 18, 2010
Juice Update!
My little Juice box is doing very well! She has accomplished heel with an auto-sit, her sit & down stays from the & at a distance, come on the leash and she'll start learning to come when off the leash starting next week. She came to me with separation anxiety in the crate, although I have not experienced anything of the sort. She is eating awesome; and is now finishing 4-5 cups per day depending on our activity level. She is doing very well and much better about giving me her full attention. Her barking is now to a minimum and she quits immediately when told to do so. Her socialization with strangers is getting much better & she's more accepting of meeting new people. She doesn't know a stranger when it comes to the dogs though ;o) She has a lot of work yet to complete & only about 10 days to get in all done. It's time to buckle down & focus. I'll have more updates on this sweet girl soon!!
Juice holding a down
Little Oliver
Bauer's Homecoming
Bauer had his go home lesson on Tuesday & did fan-tab-ulous!! That also happen to be the night we had a huge storm & I got stuck hanging out with Bauer & his family while the lightning blew up the neighbors tree and hit too close for comfort to their house. Even through the shaking house & all the stormy chaos, Bauer stayed on his place & showed off his new skills!
Munchkin Tobie!!
Little Tobie is doing very well!! He has successfully finished up his Basic Obedience & is ready to go home tomorrow and show off his new skills to his momma. He definitely needs consistency & constant reinforcement because it's so much easier to be bad :o) I hope to see Tobie for some more advanced work so his family can enjoy him even more!!
..And They Call Him Caesar....
This is Caesar. Caesar comes with almost any problem you can muster up in your head, in the realm of dog problems. This little guy is too smart for his own good. He will be with me for the next 3+ weeks for the Advanced Obedience program. Over the last 2 days we working on his heel with an auto-sit & his sit stays. He is definitely challenging all aspects of the training but we're getting there!
Caesar holding his sit-stay....finally ;o)
More to come on Caesars progress as his first week comes to an end!
Lola & Sophie
These two ladies are coming right along in these last 10 days of training. Lola definitely turned out to be way more stubborn than anticipated but she's definitely turning a new leaf & actually wanting to please more! They both have completed their Basic Obedience and we've started on the off leash part of the training & have increased distractions. Sophie has a great fear of most objects which has been a huge obstacle to work through. Each day she gets better but it is definitely something that needs to be addressed because it could cause her danger should she decide to just bolt & run, like she feels like she needs to do. I'm teaching her things aren't going to kill her & she needs to slow down & look to me for direction. We're getting there.
Sophie overcoming her fear of being next to the vacuum cleaner. She was very stressed about this.
Lola Pretty Face
Sophie is making lots of friends!
Even simple tasks like holding a down next to the cleaning bottle is a hard chore to over-come for Sophie
Lola falling asleep after a lesson.
Newbie Gus
Gus is a 5 month old, beautiful Boxer puppy all the way from Montgomery, AL. Gus will be with me for a month to complete the Advanced Obedience course. He arrive this past Monday & so far he is doing exceptionally well. He's definitely a people pleaser! It took him a few days to get warmed up to the other dogs but you can't hold him back now from playtime. He can hold his own & out wrestle any of the bigger dogs :o) He has tons of personality but not in an "over-doing it" kind of way. This past week he has completed his heel with the auto-sit, his sit & down stays, come with the auto-sit (on the leash of course) and we're starting place today. I have been able to throw pretty tough distractions at him already! He has no problems focusing & keeping his attention on me. Next week we'll start his off leash work & increase attention to holding commands longer and we'll start out on leash outtings! Stay tuned for more on little Gus!
Gus is a 5 month old, beautiful Boxer puppy all the way from Montgomery, AL. Gus will be with me for a month to complete the Advanced Obedience course. He arrive this past Monday & so far he is doing exceptionally well. He's definitely a people pleaser! It took him a few days to get warmed up to the other dogs but you can't hold him back now from playtime. He can hold his own & out wrestle any of the bigger dogs :o) He has tons of personality but not in an "over-doing it" kind of way. This past week he has completed his heel with the auto-sit, his sit & down stays, come with the auto-sit (on the leash of course) and we're starting place today. I have been able to throw pretty tough distractions at him already! He has no problems focusing & keeping his attention on me. Next week we'll start his off leash work & increase attention to holding commands longer and we'll start out on leash outtings! Stay tuned for more on little Gus!
Friday, June 11, 2010
It's Summer Time & The Live'n Is Dog Easy....
School is out & it seems as though everyone is on vacation right now & everyone wants their dog trained right NOW. I have a handful of new trainees as well as the usual campers!!
These two pretty ladies are with me for 2 & 3 weeks for some work on the Basics for Lola & Sophie is going through with the Advanced work!! They both are super sweet but definitely typical Beagle..... All nose & complete mind of their own :o) They have both had a great time getting to know the gang! Over the last few days I have covered their manners on the leash, how to greet people, no getting on the furniture, sit-stays, heel with auto sit, & the favorite, "no". Sophie is definitely the more willing the please of the two of them but I think they'll both be great!! More to come on these pretty girls later on!!
This little munchkin is Tobie. He is about a year old & full of spunk & energy. He is going through my Basic Obedience but staying a little longer than the usual time given his lack of attention aka his A.D.D. :o) He is doing very well & very willing to please but is VEEERRRY distracted by most everything....leaves, grass, the wind..... life. Over the next few days I'll be working him with the commands he's learned over this past days around the everyday distractions of life. He loves riding in the car & going to the barn to *see* the horses..... he doesn't care to get close to them. More updates on little man as his training progresses.
Bauer is coming along great. We're tying up the lose ends & getting ready
for his go home on Tuesday. He's doing excellent off leash around every distraction I can throw at him. This weekend we'll master the off leash at the park & then he's good to go!!
Juice is a full of life little boxer girl that thinks she can take on the
world. She will be with me working on her separation anxiety, learning her basics, learning to not bark excessively at people, & working on her manners & social skills. She has loved her first day of meeting the gang & riding in the car. She has a long road ahead of her so more pictures & updates to come on Miss Juice!!
Shepherd is still in progress for her service dog work & I'll have pictures & more updates on her to come this weekend so stay tuned!!
Monday, June 7, 2010
The Happenings Around These Parts!
Hello Everyone! It's been a while for sure. There has been a lot going on around here which has kept me pretty tied up & not so much time for blogging. Now that school is out it's been a full house every week with our regular boarding family! I've had a group of new trainees in & out with some basic obedience & Shepherd is still in training as a Service Dog for her little boy. Here's some pictures to sum up the happenings around here for the last 5-6 weeks!
Kitt, Toby & Kiki!
Kiki & Maggie
"Where's the frisbee??"
Jake, Diesel, & Java
Bunker & Kitt pooped after playtime
Manu put herself in time-out...kidding, I'm not sure what's she'd doing :o)
Rex, Java, & Diesel
Bunker & Rex
Sparky!! Sweet boy.
Bailey.... Oliver's Twin
Layla's spot away from the boys
Bailey & Layla....playtime!
I've also started with a new trainee - - BAUER - -
Bauer is an 8 month old Boxer pup. He is quite the maniac and has a mind of his own. He is the most exuberant boy yet. He is 2 weeks into his training today and has made quite a change over the last few weeks. He is going through my Advanced Obedience program. Now that he has a good foundation & an understanding of what I am asking of him, he has been excellent. The first few days were touch & go & he definitely is making me work for this one :o) He is now heeling nicely at my left side & sitting when we stop, doing his sit & down stays, place, come with the auto-sit and with the distraction of the other dogs, cats & people. He's done excellent on his outings to PetSmart/Co, the park & other stores. This coming week we start his remote collar work and I'm sure he'll be even that much better. I'll keep you posted on his progress over his last week of training!!
Bauer on place
Bauer's down-stay
Bauer's favorite part of the day..... PLAYTIME!!
What a face :o)
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