Friday, June 18, 2010

Lola & Sophie

These two ladies are coming right along in these last 10 days of training. Lola definitely turned out to be way more stubborn than anticipated but she's definitely turning a new leaf & actually wanting to please more! They both have completed their Basic Obedience and we've started on the off leash part of the training & have increased distractions. Sophie has a great fear of most objects which has been a huge obstacle to work through. Each day she gets better but it is definitely something that needs to be addressed because it could cause her danger should she decide to just bolt & run, like she feels like she needs to do. I'm teaching her things aren't going to kill her & she needs to slow down & look to me for direction. We're getting there.
Sophie overcoming her fear of being next to the vacuum cleaner. She was very stressed about this.
Lola Pretty Face
Sophie is making lots of friends!
Even simple tasks like holding a down next to the cleaning bottle is a hard chore to over-come for Sophie
Lola falling asleep after a lesson.

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