Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Diamond Update

Ah.... Miss Diamond has been a handFUL the past few days.  She has hit her wall & decided she's not going to listen.  They all go through this stubborn phase & it's just one of those things you have to push through.  Diamond decided she was going to have a full out screaming tantrum, as though asking her to walk on a leash was literally torture.  She made quite the scene today!  After a long tantrum, we were able to end on a positive note & she spent the next hour or more on place processing her unexpected lesson today & enjoying her bone while surrounded by all sorts of goodies that she likes to steal! Here are a few pictures from our lessons!
 She fell asleep after her tantrum outside...

Enjoying her bone on "place" 
On "place" watching me open the backdoor

Pretty girl!
 Stay tuned for more on Diamond!

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