Hi, I'm Lars. I'm staying with Miss Ashleigh learning how to not be scared around other dogs & learn some Basic Obedience. My mom & Miss Ashleigh said it's not nice for me to act out mean towards other dogs :o/ And, that I should follow basic commands when I'm told to do so. It's not so bad actually. I really like to please & get my butt scratched when I did what I'm supposed to. Miss Ashleigh taught me to heel at her left side & sit nicely, hold a sit & down until she tells me, to come & a release command. It's kinda cool. The other dogs have been really nice to me & I'm getting along with them pretty good. I still get a little cranky but I have until Wednesday to keep working. I really miss my sister, Manu, & my mom & dad but it's been great here! If I had to be anywhere else, I think I'd chose to play at Miss Ashleigh's house. Miss Ashleigh has some kitties that I thought would be fun to chase..... but I was wrong. They aren't even scared of me!!! They rub on my face & stuff. Booooo, no fun. There is a kitty at my house name Gilligan & I can't wait to get back home to chase him. Ahhh..... good times. Well in the mean time Miss Ashleigh says I just get to hang out with her & the other dogs learning my manners around the gang & polishing up on my obedience. It's purdy fun!! BYE!! :o)
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