Sunday, December 12, 2010

Maggie's Big Weekend!

This was Maggie's weekend to meet her new family.  She, Ty & I made a trip Friday afternoon to Mt. Airy, North Carolina to spend the weekend training her with her new family.  We got Maggie acquainted with her new home on Friday evening & then Saturday morning bright & early we headed out for a day of teaching the new family how to have a service dog in public & how to work with Bridget & Maggie together.

[Sidebar: Maggie was trained for Bridget as her seizure detection companion.  Bridget is 2 years old & suffers from very bad seizures 7-15 times in one day.  Maggie will help detect the seizures before they hit & Bridget's mom can get her to safety so she isn't hurt. As well as being able to be a support for Bridget when she is unstable after having a seizure.]

So, as I was saying bright & early on Saturday morning we headed out for breakfast first & then to the mall.....If she can handle Maggie in a crowded mall at Christmas time, the rest is a piece of cake!  Bridget, her mom & Maggie did wonderful.  It was a successful training day & I'll be back in a few months to work check in on their progress & see how they are adjusting!
Maggie keeping her eye on Bridget
 Bridget walking Mags
 ....saying " 'mon Mag, 'mon Mag"

 Say Cheeeese
 Good down :o)
 Bridget riding the Merry Go Round
 .....she's patiently waiting 
  Mag & Bridget bonding (Bridget hasn't ever had a dog so this is a big deal for her :)
 Making Mag pretty
 .....and snugglin' (this is my favorite)