Monday, July 27, 2009

Big Week Review!

This past week has been productive & BUSY!! Where to begin....
Amy! Amy is doing wonderful. This is the close of her 2nd week & she is doing super!! Her confidence is slowly coming along. She goes almost everywhere with me & has been exposed to so much over the last 2 weeks. She is doing great being left along, but I do think she feels more confident having the other dogs around. She also has done great in her crate; no barking or whining. She even goes in it just because. She has been so easy to work with & she learns very quickly (but what Golden doesn't). She has been such a sweet, sensitive girl. This next week I will be working on Amy's off leash around heavy distractions & polishing up on her staying on place for extended periods of time. More updates on Amy's off leash work and staying put :o)
We have also reached the close of Murphy's 2nd week. Murphy is being quite the stinker. He is very well with his commands & follows them flawlessly with minimal distractions but his challenge this past week has definitely been learning to hold his commands if needed & to ignore. He does wonderfully with his place command & has worked up to staying for 1 hour without a correction!! Good job, Murphy!! Aside from his spells of A.D.D, he is playing great & looooves the gang!! He is meeting people with great manners & keeping 4 on the floor & his mouth to himself. YAY! This next week I will be working on Murphy's off leash with heavy distractions & working out the kinks with his lack of focus :o) More to come on Murphy!!
Miss Hannah, Miss Hannah :o) She has definitely been my challenge this past week. She needs to sloooooow down & take a second to think about things but instead she is all over the board & she's just reacting. She manages to learn along the way so I know she is paying a bit of attention but I'd like to see her focusing a bit more & not acting so excited, nervous. She is definitely more confident with Charlie around & I'd like to see her comfortable by herself. She is starting to come around in playing in the group. She runs in...... gets sniffed...... & runs out & watches. It's very cute. She's does great one on one though :o) She does great on or off the leash so this next week is going to be slowing her down a bit & holding her attention to commands a bit longer.

Her brother Charlie is doing AWESOME!! He is letting go of his control issues & learning to play without feeling the need to dominate. He is awesome at his obedience, on the leash. He is working at about a 60% success rate when he's off leash. He is doing excellent at his walks with Hannah & no longer feeling the need to alert at EVERYTHING that goes by. He is such a good boy. So on the books for Charlie... he to will be polishing things up a bit & working out the kinks around distractions. So more to come with Charlie & Hannah who both are absolute loves & I'd enjoyed having them this past week!

Little Jack is doing sooo great. He is soooooo lazy!! He is by far the calmest Labrador I've eeeever met! He is such a good boy & has made a slew of friends! Back to that in a sec.... The close of his 1 week has been great. He is finished with all his on leash commands & responding great to them 98% of the time..... the remainder of the time he's either ignoring me because his greatest challenge in life is staying in a command when he sees another dog at a distance or he's just decided to lay flat out & not move. So, he has enjoyed himself immensely & he is best buds with Koby, a new trainee, & boarders, Murphy - another yellow lab & Aspen - a black lab & of course, Oliver, because Ollie loves everyone! So on the agenda this next week will be focused on getting him more motivated when he's decided to shut down & play dead, hahaha and get him responding & ignoring distractions better while off the leash!

Jack & Koby wrestling

"Reeeaaddyy..................... set.............

................ POUNCE!!!"
Jack & Koby after taking a dip in the kiddie pool!
"To dig.... or not to dig.... Prolly shouldn't..... Miss Ashleigh is watch'n"

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