Monday, July 20, 2009

Mugsy Has A Home!!

I'd like to announce Mugsy, the Boxer I've been fostering since April has a home!! We decided that given Mugsy history of being shuttled around & his history of dog aggression & how wonderfully he fits into our gang, that WE WOULD ADOPT HIM!!! Mugsy is officially one my crew & he seems to really love it here. He plays so great with every dog that comes in for training or boarding. He is super responsive with his training & is loving his new leash on life. He has become my little shadow & is settling in nicely! He & Oliver have become the best of buds & they don't leave my heels.... it's quite cute!

Anyone interested in rescuing a boxer can visit Rockin P Rescue for more information!

Mugsy's new favorite spot I can't even put it into words, hahahaLazy boy Snugglin w/the new momma Mugsy & BFF, Olli

Mugs & the boys Mugs & Jake
Speak!! Speak!! Speak!!
Silly boys

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